Delta Online
Dog Licence Application

Welcome to the Dog Licence Application. Use this portal to apply for and purchase a new dog licence. You can also use this application to update information about an existing dog licence account or purchase a replacement for a lost tag.

All dogs six months of age or older must be licensed every year with the City of Delta. Having a dog licence will help protect your dog by providing an easy to identify dog tag. If your dog is lost, their tag will be the fastest way to reunite them with their family.

Dog licences are for the calendar year and expire on December 31. The City of Delta will send a Dog Licence Renewal Notice every year to remind you when your licence needs to be renewed. Dog licence renewals can be paid for online. Any person who fails to purchase a valid dog licence is subject to a fine of $150.

Please email the City at if your contact information has changed, if you have moved, or if you have any questions about this application.